Strawberry and Mint Tart
Well, it is strawberry season after all....I realize I have been on a huge strawberry bend, but they are just so magnificent at the moment. So this is yet another tart featuring strawberries. It is from 'Mes Tartes: The Sweet and Savory Tarts of Christine Ferber' By Christine Ferber.
This tart has a simple pate sucree base, with a frangapani filling and a little vanilla pastry cream on top. On top of all that are gorgeous strawberries, some icing sugar and a dash of fresh mint. It's amazing what beautiful produce can achieve!
A frangipani filling? Isn't that plumeria flowers?
Yep it is a type of flower. When I use the term it refers to an almond paste filling and it's also called frangipani. You can search frangipani and baking and you should get different results!
Wow, absolutely amazing.
Beautiful use of the seasons bounty. Bet it was fantastic.
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